Test Series - matching definations

Test Number 2/2

Q: Reentry occurs when a person leaves his or her social system for a period of time and then returns. Which situation below best describes Reentry ?
A. When he is offered a better paying position, Jacob leaves the restaurant he manages to manage a new restaurant on the other side of town.
B. Catherine is spending her junior year of college studying abroad in France.
C. Malcolm is readjusting to civilian life after two years of overseas military service.
D. After several miserable months, Sharon decides that she can no longer share an apartment with her roommate Hilary.
Solution: Malcolm is the only person returning to a social system that he has been away from for an extended period of time.
Q: Embellishing the Truth occurs when a person adds fictitious details or exaggerates facts or true stories. Which situation below is the best example of Embellishing the Truth?
A. Isabel goes to the theater, and the next day, she tells her coworkers she thought the play was excellent.
B. The realtor describes the house, which is eleven blocks away from the ocean, as prime waterfront property.
C. During the job interview, Fred, who has been teaching elementary school for ten years, describes himself as a very experienced teacher.
D. The basketball coach says it is likely that only the most talented players will get a college scholarship.
Solution: The realtor is using a clear exaggeration when she states that a house which is eleven blocks away from the ocean is prime waterfront property.

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